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24v UPS

Retro C: 24v UPS

If you purchased the optional UPS battery backup battery this article will detail its use and purpose.

The UPS supplies power (only) to the VC1s (the Brains of the Retro C) in the event of a power loss. Maintaining power to the VC1s is very useful in preventing damage or loss of settings to the computers that control the saw. The UPS guards against a loss of position they remain active and detect encoder changes in the event of power loss.

The UPS has a ups module which we use that either takes the normal power or switches to the battery system. The batteries are 2 12v batteries connected together so that we get 24 vdc

The batteries are available for any saw from serial number 2 up however most machines prior to serial number 40 do not have the ups battery module.

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