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Alpine SpeedCatch Settings for iCommand and iModel

Output processor

In the end the user should trag and rop a truss batch into the “Custom Output we created.

This is the standar procedure after all of the settings below have been set.

See below for an image example of the screen. In this setup we are use UESC as our custom output processor.

Configuration of the custom output processor

Note: These settings only need to bes set one time.

Create a “New Batch” with the new batch window. Name it “UESC”

Click on UESC “Edit Batch” to review and/or set the defaults for SpeedCatch.

NOTE “CHOOSE” CONFIGURATION FILE is where SpeedCatch settings are located.

The configuration file is constructed by an Alpine Software Consultant

Laser Table (Export TPS)

NOTE ALL SETTINGS must be set as shown EXACTLY SpeedCatch needs it’s own directory of native Alpine TPS files “P:\SHOP\alpineTps”

P: in this case is a network share and the path can be any path that can be used in the SpeedCatch software later in the steps.

Production Drawing

C:\intelliVIEW\iModel\CA\Usr01 “batchcut_UESC.cfg”
This file is typically configured by an Alpine software consultant

Very important to have the criteria DO NOT combine like pieces “_TRUSSBYTRUSS_”

SpeedCatch needs it’s own directory for native Alpine generated TRS files

“P:\SHOP\alpineTrs” “OALen >=2”


These are the file format elements that have to be followed for everything to work

Raw Alpine laser TPS files: <path>P:\SHOP\AlpineTps\</path> Raw Alpine cutting

TRS files: <path>P:\SHOP\AlpineTps\</path>

SpeedCatch DONE files: <path>P:\SHOP\SpeedCatchDONE\</path>

Both these directories and files must be used for PlantOne to work properly and show the Carts:


Raspberry Pi “appconfig.xml” –

PlantOne datasource must match <path> and <sawPath> as shown below:

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